Psychic Protection: Shielding Your Energy

Psychic Protection: Shielding Your Energy

Psychic protection is essential for maintaining your energy and guarding against negative influences. Whether you're sensitive to other people's emotions, exposed to toxic environments, or working with spiritual realms, learning to shield your energy is a valuable skill. This guide will walk you through creating energy shields, cleansing and reinforcing your spiritual boundaries, and building protection amulets and talismans to support your psychic safety.

How to Create Energy Shields to Protect Against Negative Influences

Energy shields are invisible barriers that protect your energy field from unwanted influences. These shields act as a buffer, preventing negative energy from draining your vitality or affecting your emotional state.

1. White Light Shielding Technique

This simple yet powerful technique uses visualisation to create a protective barrier around your body.


  1. Find a Quiet Space: Sit or stand comfortably in a space where you won’t be disturbed.
  2. Ground Yourself: Take a few deep breaths and focus on feeling connected to the earth. Visualise roots growing from your feet into the ground, grounding your energy.
  3. Visualise a Sphere of White Light: Imagine a bright, white light forming around your body, expanding outward until you are completely surrounded by a sphere of light.
  4. Strengthen the Shield: See the light becoming brighter and stronger, forming a protective barrier. Set the intention that this shield will block out any negative or harmful energies while allowing positive energy to flow freely.
  5. Affirmation: Silently repeat, “I am protected by the light. Only love and positive energy can enter my space.”
  6. Maintain the Shield: Throughout the day, if you feel vulnerable, visualise the white light again and reinforce your shield.

2. Mirror Shield Technique

A mirror shield reflects negative energy back to its source, keeping you protected from harmful intentions or psychic attacks.


  1. Prepare for Shielding: Ground yourself and close your eyes, taking deep, calming breaths.
  2. Visualise a Mirror Shield: Imagine a mirror-like surface surrounding your body. This mirror reflects any negative energy or harmful intentions directed toward you.
  3. Set Your Intention: State silently or aloud, “Any negative energy directed toward me will be reflected back to its source, and I remain protected in my space.”
  4. Reinforce as Needed: Whenever you feel under attack or exposed to negativity, mentally reinforce your mirror shield, knowing that it deflects harmful energy away from you.

Techniques for Cleansing and Reinforcing Your Spiritual Boundaries

In addition to shielding, regularly cleansing your energy and reinforcing your spiritual boundaries helps maintain psychic health. Cleansing techniques remove lingering negativity or energetic blockages, while boundary-strengthening practices ensure your personal space remains intact.

1. Salt Cleansing Ritual

Salt is a natural purifier that absorbs negative energy, making it ideal for clearing both your aura and your physical space.


  1. Use a Salt Bath: Add a cup of sea salt or Epsom salt to your bath. As you soak, visualise the salt drawing out any negative energy from your body and aura.
  2. Visualise Cleansing: As you relax in the bath, imagine any lingering negativity dissolving into the water. Set the intention for purification.
  3. Rinse and Release: When you finish the bath, rinse off and watch the water drain away, carrying any negative energy with it.
  4. Optional: If you don’t have access to a bath, you can sprinkle salt in your home or workspace, especially in corners where stagnant energy can gather. Sweep it up after a few hours to clear the area.

2. Smudging for Aura Cleansing

Smudging with herbs like sage, palo santo, or rosemary helps cleanse your energy and purify your environment.


  1. Light the Smudge Stick: Using a lighter or match, light the end of the smudge stick and let it burn for a few seconds before blowing out the flame, allowing the smoke to rise.
  2. Cleanse Your Aura: Gently waft the smoke around your body, starting from the feet and moving upward. Visualise the smoke clearing away any negative or stagnant energy from your aura.
  3. Cleanse Your Space: Walk through your home or workspace, allowing the smoke to reach all corners and areas. Set the intention for any lingering negativity to be released and replaced with positive energy.

3. Cord Cutting to Release Unwanted Energies

Cord cutting is a technique used to release energetic attachments to people, situations, or events that may be draining your energy.


  1. Visualise the Energetic Cords: Sit quietly and visualise the energy cords connecting you to the person or situation you want to release. These cords represent emotional or energetic ties.
  2. Set the Intention to Release: Hold the intention that you are ready to release these attachments. Picture yourself cutting the cords with a golden or silver blade, freeing yourself from the connection.
  3. Seal Your Aura: After the cords are cut, visualise a protective layer of light surrounding your body, sealing your aura and preventing any further attachments.

Building Protection Amulets and Talismans

Amulets and talismans are physical objects imbued with protective energy. You can create these objects yourself, infusing them with the intention of shielding you from negative forces. Here’s how to craft your own protective amulets and talismans.

1. Protection Amulet with Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline is a powerful stone for protection, absorbing negative energy and grounding your aura.


  1. Choose Your Stone: Select a piece of black tourmaline, which you can carry with you or wear as jewellery.
  2. Cleanse the Stone: Before using the stone, cleanse it by passing it through sage smoke, placing it in salt overnight, or holding it under running water.
  3. Charge with Intention: Hold the stone in your hands and set the intention for protection. You can say aloud, “I charge this stone with the power to protect me from all harm and negativity.”
  4. Carry or Wear the Amulet: Keep the black tourmaline with you, either in your pocket, as a pendant, or on your altar for continuous protection.

2. Creating a Protection Pouch

A protection pouch is a small bag filled with protective herbs, crystals, and symbols that shield you from negativity.


  1. Choose Your Ingredients: Gather protective herbs like rosemary, sage, or basil. Select crystals such as black tourmaline or obsidian. You can also add a protective symbol like a small pentacle or an ankh.
  2. Prepare the Pouch: Place the ingredients in a small cloth or leather pouch. As you add each item, set the intention for protection.
  3. Bless and Charge the Pouch: Hold the pouch in your hands and visualise a protective energy surrounding it. Speak your intention aloud, such as, “This pouch shields me from harm and negativity.”
  4. Keep the Pouch with You: Carry the protection pouch in your bag, wear it around your neck, or place it in your home to maintain its protective energy.

3. Sigil Protection Charm

A sigil is a symbol created with the intention of protection. You can craft your own sigil to protect your energy and space.


  1. Create the Sigil: Write down your intention for protection, such as “I am safe and protected.” Take the first letter of each word (I, A, S, A, P) and combine them into a unique symbol that feels powerful to you.
  2. Charge the Sigil: Focus on the sigil, visualising it glowing with protective energy. Set the intention that this symbol will shield you from harm.
  3. Use the Sigil: Draw the sigil on paper and keep it in your wallet, inscribe it onto a piece of jewellery, or place it in your home for ongoing protection.

Final Thoughts on Psychic Protection

Protecting your energy is vital for maintaining balance, clarity, and well-being, especially in a world filled with varied energies. By creating energy shields, regularly cleansing your aura, and crafting protective talismans and amulets, you can safeguard yourself against unwanted influences and remain grounded in your spiritual practice. Psychic protection is an ongoing process, so remember to revisit and strengthen your protective measures regularly, allowing yourself to navigate the world with confidence and peace.

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