Aura Reading: How to See and Interpret Auras

Aura Reading: How to See and Interpret Auras

Aura reading is a skill that allows you to perceive the subtle energy fields surrounding living beings and objects. These energy fields, often seen as colours, can give insights into a person’s emotional, physical, and spiritual state. With practice, you can learn to see and interpret auras, using this ability to enhance your understanding of yourself and others. This guide will explore techniques for seeing auras, the meanings of different aura colours, and exercises to strengthen your aura-reading abilities.

Techniques for Seeing Auras Around People, Animals, and Objects

Perceiving auras requires tuning into the energy fields that surround all living things. While some people naturally see auras, others need practice to develop this skill. The key is to relax your eyes, quiet your mind, and focus on subtle changes in light or colour around a person, animal, or object.

1. Preparing to See Auras

Before you start practising aura reading, it’s important to get into a calm, receptive state. Follow these steps to prepare:

  1. Find a Quiet Space: Choose a calm, distraction-free environment with soft lighting.
  2. Ground Yourself: Take a few deep breaths, visualising roots growing from your feet into the ground. This helps stabilise your energy and opens you to perceive other energy fields.
  3. Relax Your Eyes: Soften your gaze by unfocusing your eyes slightly. Try looking at the space just beyond the person or object you are observing, allowing the edges of your vision to pick up on energy shifts.

2. How to See Auras Around People

  1. Position the Person Against a Plain Background: Ask the person to stand or sit in front of a plain wall, preferably white or neutral in colour. This will make it easier to see the aura.
  2. Look at the Space Around Them: Focus on the space just beyond their head and shoulders. Soften your gaze and notice if you can detect a faint outline or glow.
  3. Observe the Colours: Over time, you may start to see colours or shades around their body. Don’t rush the process—your ability to see the full aura will strengthen with practice.

3. How to See Auras Around Animals

Animals also have auras, and these can give you insights into their emotional state or well-being. To read an animal’s aura:

  1. Approach Slowly: Animals are sensitive to energy. Approach them calmly and observe their energy field from a distance.
  2. Relax Your Vision: Use the same relaxed gaze technique as you would with people. Focus on the space just beyond the animal’s body, looking for faint outlines or colours.

4. How to See Auras Around Objects

Objects, especially those frequently used by people, can absorb energy and have their own auras. To see an object’s aura:

  1. Choose an Object: Pick an object with emotional or energetic significance, such as a favourite piece of jewellery or a personal belonging.
  2. Observe in Soft Light: Place the object in soft lighting and use the same relaxed vision technique. The aura may appear as a faint glow or subtle colour.

Aura Colour Meanings and Their Interpretations

Auras are typically seen as a range of colours, each carrying its own meaning related to the emotional, spiritual, or physical state of the person or object. While each colour may have subtle variations, the following are general interpretations of the most common aura colours.

1. Red Aura

  • Associated With: Strength, vitality, passion
  • Interpretation: A red aura indicates strong physical energy, willpower, and a sense of vitality. It can also reflect intense emotions like anger, passion, or excitement. When bright, it shows enthusiasm and drive, but darker or murky red may point to stress or unresolved anger.

2. Orange Aura

  • Associated With: Creativity, emotion, change
  • Interpretation: Orange auras are linked to creativity, emotional expression, and transformation. Those with orange auras tend to be adventurous and enjoy exploring new ideas. A bright orange suggests a healthy sense of creativity, while a dull orange could reflect emotional imbalance or creative blocks.

3. Yellow Aura

  • Associated With: Optimism, intellect, confidence
  • Interpretation: Yellow auras often indicate a person with a sharp mind, positive outlook, and high self-esteem. People with this aura colour are typically happy, confident, and focused on personal growth. A darker or murky yellow may suggest indecision or worry.

4. Green Aura

  • Associated With: Healing, love, balance
  • Interpretation: A green aura signifies healing energy, compassion, and a love of nature. It is the colour of the heart chakra, indicating emotional balance and harmony. A bright green suggests a nurturing and caring personality, while a dark green may reflect feelings of jealousy or resentment.

5. Blue Aura

  • Associated With: Communication, calm, spiritual insight
  • Interpretation: Blue auras reflect a strong connection to communication and self-expression. Light blue is linked to peacefulness, clarity, and honesty, while deeper blues indicate intuition and spiritual insight. A murky blue may suggest difficulty expressing emotions or truth.

6. Purple Aura

  • Associated With: Spirituality, intuition, psychic abilities
  • Interpretation: Purple auras are often seen in those with heightened spiritual awareness and intuition. This colour is connected to the third eye and crown chakras, symbolising inner wisdom and psychic abilities. A bright purple suggests strong spiritual growth, while a faded purple might indicate doubt or confusion on one’s spiritual path.

7. White Aura

  • Associated With: Purity, spiritual connection, protection
  • Interpretation: White or light auras are associated with high spiritual vibration, purity, and a strong connection to higher realms. It is often seen around healers or spiritual leaders. A pure white aura signifies protection and clarity, while a murky white could indicate an imbalance in spiritual energy.

8. Black or Grey Aura

  • Associated With: Blockages, unresolved emotions, protection
  • Interpretation: Darker colours like black or grey often indicate energy blockages, unresolved emotional trauma, or the need for protection. While not inherently negative, they may point to areas of life where healing or release is needed.

Exercises to Strengthen Your Ability to Perceive Energy Fields

Developing the ability to see auras requires consistent practice and awareness of your own energy. These exercises are designed to help you build the sensitivity needed to perceive energy fields around others.

1. Energy Field Sensing Exercise

Purpose: To heighten your awareness of the subtle energy fields around your body.


  1. Sit in a Quiet Space: Relax and take a few deep breaths to centre yourself.
  2. Rub Your Hands Together: Rub your palms together vigorously for about 10 seconds to activate your energy.
  3. Slowly Pull Your Hands Apart: After rubbing your hands, pull them apart slowly, keeping your focus on the sensation between them. You may feel a tingling or subtle resistance, which is your energy field.
  4. Play with the Energy Field: Move your hands closer together and farther apart, feeling the energy flow between them. This practice increases your sensitivity to energy.

2. Aura Visualisation Practice

Purpose: To strengthen your ability to visualise and perceive energy.


  1. Relax Your Body and Mind: Sit comfortably, close your eyes, and focus on your breath.
  2. Visualise Your Aura: Picture a bright, glowing light surrounding your body. See this light expanding outwards, filling the space around you.
  3. Focus on Colour: Imagine different colours in your aura. How does the colour feel? Does it change with your emotions?
  4. Maintain the Visualisation: Practice this for five to ten minutes, building your ability to perceive auras with your mind’s eye.

3. Mirror Exercise

Purpose: To practice seeing your own aura.


  1. Stand in Front of a Mirror: Make sure the background behind you is plain and softly lit.
  2. Relax Your Gaze: Soften your focus and look at the space just around your head and shoulders.
  3. Look for Outlines or Glows: You may start to see a faint outline or glow around your body. Keep practicing until you begin to perceive colours.
  4. Journal Your Findings: Keep a record of what you see and any emotions you feel during the exercise.

Final Thoughts on Aura Reading

Aura reading is a powerful tool for understanding the energy that surrounds all living things. By practising regularly, you can strengthen your ability to see and interpret auras, gaining deeper insights into the emotional, spiritual, and physical states of yourself and others. Use the techniques and exercises in this guide to develop your aura-reading skills, and let your intuition guide you as you explore the world of energy perception.

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