A guide to autumn rituals, manifestations, and spells before winter (including Samhain and full moon dates)

A guide to autumn rituals, manifestations, and spells before winter (including Samhain and full moon dates)

As autumn deepens, the magic of the season intensifies, particularly during Samhain (Halloween) and the full moons. Samhain marks the thinning of the veil between worlds, making it an ideal time for ancestral rituals and connecting with spirits. In addition, aligning your rituals with the full moon dates allows you to amplify their power.

1. Rituals for Letting Go

Autumn is the season of release. Just as trees shed their leaves, we are invited to shed what no longer serves us. This ritual of letting go helps us make space for new growth and intentions as winter approaches.

Letting go ritual for Samhain:

  • During Samhain, which falls on 31st October, the energy for transformation is particularly strong. Write down anything you want to release, whether it’s fears, bad habits, or past relationships.
  • Safely burn the paper in a fire-safe dish, letting the smoke carry away the old energy. As you release these things, invite your ancestors or spiritual guides to help guide you through this transformation.

Grounding practice: After completing this ritual, spend time outdoors, allowing the energy of the earth to ground you and help integrate your new intentions.

2. Manifesting Intentions

Autumn is also a time for manifesting abundance as the harvest season comes to a close. This energy is especially strong around the full moon, a time for amplifying desires and setting intentions. Here are the full moon dates for autumn:

  • 28th October (Full Hunter’s Moon): This full moon brings energy for survival, strength, and preparation for the winter. It’s perfect for manifesting stability, both materially and emotionally.
  • 27th November (Full Beaver Moon): This moon encourages preparedness and securing the resources you need before winter. Use this time to focus on long-term goals.

Full moon manifestation ritual:

  • On the night of the full moon, write your intentions on a piece of paper. Place this under a candle, surrounded by crystals like citrine or pyrite for abundance and success.
  • As the candle burns, visualise your desires coming to fruition. Picture your goals already achieved, and let the energy of the full moon amplify your manifestation.

3. Cleansing and Protection Spells

As the days grow darker and we prepare for winter, cleansing and protection rituals become essential. These spells can help clear stagnant energy and protect your home as we enter the introspective months of winter.

Samhain protection spell:

  • Samhain is the perfect time for protection work, as it’s believed the veil between the worlds is thinnest. Begin by cleansing your space with a sage smudge stick or rosemary bundle.
  • Light a white candle for protection, and place black tourmaline or onyx around it to create a protective barrier. As the candle burns, say aloud: “I protect this space from all negativity, inviting only peace and harmony as we move into winter.”


4. Create a Seasonal Altar

Building a seasonal altar helps ground your energy and serves as a focal point for daily rituals. Your autumn altar can also be a sacred space to honour your ancestors during Samhain.

How to create a Samhain altar:

  • Incorporate seasonal elements like autumn leaves, acorns, pumpkins, and dried herbs. You might also add photos or mementoes of loved ones who have passed, as Samhain is a time for honouring those who’ve come before us.
  • Include candles in autumnal colours like orange and brown, as well as crystals for grounding and protection—smoky quartz, carnelian, and obsidian are all great choices.

Spend time at your altar daily, reflecting on your intentions, offering gratitude, or simply meditating. During Samhain, you can light a candle for your ancestors and ask for their guidance in the months ahead.

5. Self-Care and Essential Products for Autumn

Self-care is essential as the seasons shift. Autumn is the perfect time to slow down, reflect, and prepare for the more introspective months of winter. Incorporating grounding rituals and self-care products will help align your energy with the season.

Self-care products for autumn rituals:

  • Aromatherapy shower steamers from my store can enhance your self-care routines. The anti-anxiety or sleep steamers are especially helpful as you transition into winter, promoting relaxation and grounding.
  • Herbal teas with spices like cinnamon and ginger nourish the body and create a sense of warmth. Sip these during your journaling or meditation rituals to bring calm and balance to your day.

In addition to using these products, journaling can be a powerful self-care practice. Take time each day to reflect on what you’re releasing, what you’re manifesting, and what you’re grateful for as the seasons change.

6. Spells for Autumn Magic

Autumn’s magical energy makes it a perfect time for spellwork. Whether you’re seeking abundance, love, or protection, the season’s energy can help enhance your intentions.

Simple Samhain spells:

  • Apple spell for love: Apples are symbolic of love and abundance. Carve a heart into an apple and place it on your altar as a symbol of love, whether for self-love or inviting new romance into your life.
  • Bonfire spell for transformation: Write down something you want to transform in your life (a habit, a situation, etc.). Safely burn the paper in a small fire or a candle flame, visualising your intention transforming into something positive.

Autumn offers a rich opportunity for spiritual growth, reflection, and manifestation. As we transition from the warmth of summer to the introspection of winter, use this season to perform rituals, cleanse your space, and set powerful intentions. Whether you’re letting go, manifesting abundance, or protecting your energy, autumn’s magic will help guide you through.

Samhain and the full moons are key moments to amplify this work, so be sure to honour these times with special rituals and spells. Need help finding the perfect tools for your rituals? Explore my shop for cleansing smudge sticks, aromatherapy steamers, crystals, and more to guide you through the season’s magic. 🍂✨

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